Mayor Englemann is a supporting character seen in Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters.
Actor Portrayal[]
He is portrayed by Rainer Bock.
Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters[]
Mayor Englemann try stop Sheriff Berringer from torturing Mina, but to no avail as he continued. Seconds later, Hansel and Gretel arrive and stops him. Mayor Englemann then announces that he brought in the two to help with the witch menace. He tells them of a small cottage in the woods where witch activity might be present. Hansel and Gretel investigate and found on a witch a manuscript that tells of Blood Moon Sabbath. Later, they show Mayor Englemann. Mayor Englemann the appoint Jackson to help them with their work as he knows the woods. After the raid in Augsburg, the very next morning, Mayor Englemann is shot to death by the Sheriff, as he blames him for bringing the witch plague in the town.
Main article: Mayor Engleman/Quotes.